There is boundless joy in random occurrences that arise from the true buoyancy of walking on unknown and uncharted territories. A blind path leads us into a world of powerful imagination, like in lucid dreams, where we can steer our actions or even in our obedient consciousness yet smile at the whims and caprice of nature. The sophistication of losing oneself in the kingdom of unreserved, chaotic, imbalanced, powerless vagary and randomness is a first order of couth gentry. Any tread into the walkways of anomalies and aberrations from stern reality focusing on severely counted desired results would be a profound awakening moment of separating self from the shackle of an unhunted bounty.

The joy of realizing oneself in caprice or in the environment of caprice is a powerful awareness. When you make a conscious decision and separate yourself from a serious and impactful event around you, you are no longer a part of it and only a bystander. In such realization, you attain freedom from harboring worries and deeply anchored fears and being unfettered from the chain of obsession. When you begin to realize it’s a caprice, it provides a new perception and a new smell of thought that you are a different entity, and it holds you responsible for how you would perceive it : appreciating its charm rather than wanting to be a part of it, or embracing it a wave of love rather than want to be the center of its heart, or listener of a distant cheep from a bird rather wanting to be the voice box of the bird.
There are several instances of caprice that give us sheer joy. Seeing a pair of paw impressions in flawlessly cemented concrete speaks of an animal’s mischief and the compassion of the road maker. When we suddenly bump into big freeways,it is a pleasure watching the long flyovers, big civil constructions, and the deep yellow lights shower on the black road and the speeding vehicles on it. Witnessing a wildly jubilant cat suddenly dart across the street fills us with unexpected delight. The crisp sound of dried leaves beneath our feet while walking alongside the corridor of a university campus. The curious lurch of dog’s head as we open a packet of food. Even the light, free-flowing dress we picked up from a lucky find at a random shop adds to this delightful unpredictability

Caprice is the birthplace of laughter, wit, and sarcasm. It is also a passage that frees us from over-analysis and the rigid workings of the left brain. Caprice isn’t a fleeting laughter; it’s an everlasting niche our soul longs to shelter. Caprice is not a comedy of errors; rather, it is a milieu of happiness where our heart finds rhythm, shape, and life. Many people in the world overlook caprice, favoring shrewd reality and a world of austerity. However, I yearn for caprice and the joy of looking at the world through randomness and its byproduct, caprice.
Whims and fancies of life are very personal, like those of one’s genetics, the underlying factors that hold accountable for one’s consciousness and happiness. The extent to which whims shape our experience depends on the sound imagination with which incidents tease our sense of humor and joy. You can traduce yourself for miscounting a stair on your way up, or you can embrace the joy of the unexpected elevation. You can curse yourself for being late for a tube train, or you can dwell into seeing the arrival of the majestic train from a distant mirage. You can be vexed for a sloshy pathway to walk on or take the wit to see how trustworthy your pair of shoes can withstand the slippery. You can acutely chide yourself for arriving late a park yet follow the flypath of butterflies they close their day job around the flowers, and prepare for a slumber night. Thus, seeing the situation and factors are deeply personal, connected to spiritual genetics of embracing whims and fancies, and liking the environment of caprice.

The world of art thrives on eccentricity, just as the wonders of science emerge from viewing reality through a lens of caprice—separating elements, analyzing them, and making sense of the unexpected. The blend of self-submission and invoking the wit and jocular spots of one’s brain is essential for identifying one’s true freedom from the penance of self-entanglement into worries. The eccentricities and oddities of life favor our intellectual braveness, our temerity to leak our soft-heartedness, our gumption to unveil our teeth by retracting the glum lips from the traces of wit and joy, our courage to leave the worries behind and hop on to the fancy of serendipity, caprice, caper and oddity of this disorderly world.
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